Andy's Wiki
Solar System Scratchpad

[Boiler Plate]

Uranian System Web Pages[]


  • Uranus - Seventh planet from the Sun. The largest of the two Ice Giant planets in the solar system, though the least massive of the two. First new planet discovered with a telescope. Upper atmosphere composed mostly of Methane ices and is a uniform pale green atmosphere with few cloud features. Tips on its side at almost ninety degrees, experiences extreme seasonal variations. Has five small round moons and several very dark rings. Has been flown by the Voyager 2 space probe.
  • Puck - Ss:Puck
  • Miranda - Innermost and smallest of Uranus' major moons. It was the only one of Uranus' moons that Voyager 2 flew by closely and the closest flyby up to this point in its mission. Contains grooved terrain, scarps, cliffs, some which appear in a Chevron shape.
  • Ariel - Ss:Ariel
  • Umbriel - Large moon of Uranus.
  • Titania - Ss:Titania
  • Oberon - Large moon of Saturn.

Uranian System In The News[]

First Uranian Mutual Event Recorded (May 2007)[]

Uranian System Gallery[]

Uranian System Factoids[]
