Welcome to the Solar System Scratchpad mini wiki at The Wikia Scratchpad!
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This is a wiki about solar system bodies. Planetary System articles are not written in encyclopedic format, but rather in bullet form. Wikipedia or Skygazers should be used for encyclopedic articles. This can be considered a "scratch-pad" for solar system bodies, just jot down notes as seen fit. Links to other sites, message board threads, and news articles are encouraged. This site is complementary to the Exoplanetary Wiki.
When creating a new page, please copy the the page Solar System Boilerplate and fill in the details.
Here are some of the main pages:
- Category:Solar System Body, Category:Small Solar System Body
- Category:Solar System Dynamic Groups
- Category:Planetary Feature
- Groupings: Solar System Planets, Dwarf Planets, Round Moons, Asteroid Belt Objects
- Space Places in the News
- Virtual Reality Space
- Solar System History
- Distant Minor Planets in the News
Most news articles are taken from SpaceToday.net. Here are some bookmarks: