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Prehistoric Scratchpad

An age.

Selandian Age Web Pages[]


  • Paleogene Period (66-23 MYA) - Earliest part of the Cenozoic.
    • Paleocene Epoch (66-56 MYA) - First part of Paleogene after demise of dinosaurs. Saw an explosion of diversity of mammals, though not many of the today's types of mammals are represented in this epoch.
      • Selandian Age (59.2–61.6 MYA) - An age.
      • Thanetian Age (56.0–59.2 MYA) - An age.
      • Danian Age (61.6–66.0 MYA) - The age immediately following the extinction of the dinosaurs. The first placental mammal fossils are found from this period.

Selandian Age In the News[]